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A Time Of Traffic Woes

Rush Hour

A Time of Traffic Woes

What is Rush Hour?

Rush hour is a period of time during which there is a significant increase in the volume of traffic on roads and public transportation. This typically occurs in the morning when people are commuting to work or school, and in the evening when they are returning home.

Rush hour can be a frustrating and stressful time for drivers, as it often leads to traffic congestion, delays, and even accidents. However, it is also a necessary part of life in many large cities. By understanding what causes rush hour and how to avoid it, you can help to make your commute more bearable.

Causes of Rush Hour

There are several factors that contribute to rush hour traffic. These include:

  • Commuting patterns: The majority of people who work or go to school in large cities live in the suburbs or surrounding areas. This means that they must commute to and from work each day, which can lead to traffic congestion during peak hours.
  • Limited road capacity: The roads in many cities are simply not able to handle the volume of traffic that they experience during rush hour. This can lead to bottlenecks and delays.
  • Public transportation: While public transportation can help to reduce traffic congestion, it can also contribute to it during rush hour. This is because many people who take public transportation to work or school must transfer to another bus or train at some point in their commute. This can lead to delays and overcrowding.
